Niels van Oort

Public transport researcher

The future of public transport in the era of emerging modes

Due to societal and technological trends and developments, new modes (will) emerge. In this workshop at the Urbanism Next Europe conference, Maaike Snelder (TNO/TU Delft), Maria Alonso-Gonzalez (KiM) and Niels van Oort (TUDelft) shared their research findings about on-demand pooled services, autonomous shuttles and share bicycles and discussed about their contribution to the future of public transport.

Find the presentations, including references, here:


On-demand pooled services

Autonomous shuttles

Shared bicycles

De kans voor fiets+trein: 4-delige blogserie

Begin 2021 hebben drie enthousiaste, jonge experts hun kennis en ideeën over de fiets+trein combinatie gedeeld in deze blogserie. Tessa Leferink (Witteveen en Bos) begon bij de voordeur over de rol van gebiedsontwikkeling, Jerom Marseille (AT Osborne) beschreef de first mile en Joeri van Mil (AT Osborne) nam ons mee in oplossingen om de fietsparkeerdruk bij stations te verzachten. Waardevol, want wat mij betreft is de trein-fiets combinatie een goed nieuwsshow door de vele maatschappelijke baten, zoals gezondheidduurzaamheid en bereikbaarheid. Aan mij de eer om de serie af te sluiten met een vooruitblik.

Lees hier alle delen in deze serie:
18 januari: “Nieuw in de buurt en direct fan van de fiets+trein combinatie!” Tessa Leferink (adviseur mobiliteit en gebiedsontwikkeling bij Witteveen+Bos)

25 januari: “De first mile in de schijnwerpers: Dé opstap naar duurzame mobiliteit” Jerom Marseille (adviseur mobiliteit en duurzame leefomgeving bij AT Osborne)

1 februari: “Fietsen, fietsen en nog meer fietsen. Hoe pakken we de overvolle stallingen aan?” Joeri van Mil (adviseur mobiliteit en infrastructuur bij AT Osborne)

8 februari: “De kans voor fiets+trein: Dit is de eindbestemming van deze trein, u wordt allen echter verzocht niet uit te stappen.” Niels van Oort (co-director Smart Public Transport Lab TU Delft)

De presentatie en discussie over dit onderwerp op het Fietscongres 2021 is HIER te vinden.

Train traveller behaviour during and after Covid: insights of a longitudinal survey of Dutch train passengers

The pandemic had (and still has) an obvious impact on public transport (use). To gain insights into passenger behaviour during and after the pandemic, a longitudinal survey is organised with the goal to capture behaviour, attitudes and intentions related to train usage. Four surveys were held between April and December 2020, involving 23,000-47,000 passengers each. The results provide valuable, quantitative insights that help to recover and rethink public transport after the pandemic, for instance by adjusted planning, design and operations. Findings show that 30% of the passengers want to avoid the peak hour after Covid and 72% will telework more often, saving multiple trips per week. The most popular days for teleworking will be Friday and Wednesday. Related future research directions are for instance developing more flexible and demand-driven schedules and services.

Read more in the PAPER by Mark van Hagen et al. or check the PRESENTATION at the BIVEC Transport days

When science meets practice

Samen met wetenschappers organiseren het Smart Public Transport Lab van de TU Delft en Railforum jaarlijks een ‘When Science Meets Practice’. Hier wisselen studenten, wetenschappers en professionals uit de sector hun kennis en ervaringen uit. Hiermee willen we elkaar inspireren met nieuwe inzichten, betere oplossingen voor de praktijk vinden of nieuwe onderzoeksvragen benoemen. 

2021: Zo kiest men in Europa vaker de trein

2020: Digitale ongelijkheid in slimme mobiliteit

2019: Fiets en ov, hoe faciliteren we deze sterk groeiende combi?

2018: Internationaal railvervoer

2017: Knooppunten

2016: Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

2015: Robuustheid

Smart Public Transport Lab onderzoek in OV Magazine

Workshop Future of Public Transport @Forum ISTS

Due to societal and technological trends, our mobility system and patterns might change. New modes are entering (and leaving) the market, while conventional modes are improved. In this workshop we looked to the future of public transport from the perspective of authorities and operators. The city of The Hague and the Dutch railways (NS) shared their visions on the public transport of the future.

Find the general workshop presentation HERE

Find the presentation of Emile Jutten (City of The Hague) on the national and regional vision on public transport HERE and an animation of the vision HERE

Find the presentation of Mark Oldenziel (NS) on the short term innovations and plans of the railways HERE and an animation of the vision HERE

How do Dutch train passengers (expect to) travel during and after Covid?

Thursday 5th November, the ETC Programme Committees for Local Public Transport and Rail Policy and Planning hosted a Covid webinar on: “How do Dutch train passengers (expect to) travel during and after Covid? Insights from a longitudinal panel of over 20,000 train passengers”, by Mark van Hagen (Netherlands Railways) and Niels van Oort (TU Delft). Together, Mark and Niels initiated a longitudinal survey amongst Dutch train travellers and how they cope with Covid with regard to their (future) travel patterns. In this webinar, they will share the main findings and lessons. A reflection from a wider EU perspective will also be given by András Munkácsy, Head of the Department for Transport Management at the KTI Institute for Transport Sciences, Hungary.

Find the presentation HERE

Travellers’ preferences towards existing and emerging means of access/egress transport

This research elaborates on access/egress transport in further detail and aims to provide insights in the preferences of travellers for existing and new means of access/egress transport such as shared vehicles and on-demand ride services. In this research, a stated preference experiment was performed with Dutch train travellers. In addition to the modal preferences, the expected impacts on land use near train station were assessed.

Find the ETC presentation of Bas Stam HERE

Subjective Beliefs regarding Waiting Times in Public Transport Networks in the Netherlands, Greece, and Portugal

Waiting times in public transport networks (PTNs) are inherently uncertain for travellers and, similar to other service industries, such uncertainty is likely to be a major cause for anxiety and frustration (Maister, 1985). While real-time information regarding waiting times is an important development in mitigating such negative feelings, they do not completely remove uncertainty. Even when information is provided, travellers process it on the basis of their individual attitudes, habits, experiences, and contemporary contextual variables. Yet, previous studies on behavioural responses to travel time unreliability have either (unrealistically) assumed that travellers know the objective travel time distributions or have studied behaviour within the artificial context of travel simulators. Quantifying travellers’ attitudes and perceptions — subjective beliefs — regarding waiting times may be critical for assessment of travel satisfaction and subsequently choice behaviour.

In this research, a stated preference experiment is used to quantify travellers’ attitudes and perceptions — subjective beliefs — regarding waiting times in public transport networks in three European countries. Results and potential policy implications are presented at the European Transport Conference (ETC).

Find the ETC poster of Sanmay Shelat HERE

Overview Bicycle+Transit research

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