Posts in category Papers

Ontsluitend ov

Dit weekend schreef Joost van Velzen in Trouw over de Hugohopper, een succesvol vervoerssysteem in de gemeente Dijk en Waard, dat naast bereikbaarheid ook voorziet in sociale cohesie.

De Hugohopper is een mooi voorbeeld van lokaal maatwerk voor de bereikbaarheid van minder drukke gebieden, als alternatief voor de ontsluitende bus. Aandachtspunt is wel integratie van informatie en betaling met gewoon ov, om ook bezoekers te faciliteren. De inzet van vrijwilligers is een kracht, maar kan op termijn ook een uitdaging vormen.

Het voorbeeld laat goed zien dat voor minder drukke gebieden en -tijden geen standaard ov-oplossing bestaat om geografische uitsluiting te voorkomen. In sommige gevallen volstaat de gewone bus, maar de buurtbus, flex-ov of bijvoorbeeld vervoer via verenigingen, zoals de HugoHopper, zijn soms betere oplossingen voor inclusieve mobiliteit. In ons onderzoek proberen we te begrijpen welk systeem waar en wanneer de beste oplossing biedt, passend bij de behoeften en kenmerken van de gebruikers én de maatschappelijke doelen en restricties.

Lees meer over ons onderzoek over ontsluitend ov en inclusieve mobiliteit:  

Inclusive mobility, accessibility for all, infographic and papers

Bruno et al. (2024), Evaluating How Transportation Policy Addresses Transport Related Social Exclusion: A Novel Method Applied to the Amsterdam Transport Region

Geržinič et al. (2023), What is the market potential for on-demand services as a train station access mode?

Bronsvoort et al. (2021). Preferences toward Bus Alternatives in Rural Areas of the Netherlands: A Stated Choice Experiment.

Coutinho et al.(2020), Impacts of replacing a fixed public transport line by a demand responsive transport system: Case study of a rural area in Amsterdam

Subsidie voor onrendabele lijnen op het platteland?, Brabants Dagblad

Stijgende vervoersarmoede, KRO/NCRV Lief Gebaar

Minder bushaltes alléén niet gelijk aan minder bereikbaarheid, OV Magazine

Wegvallen busritten heeft grote gevolgen voor deze GGZ-instelling, EenVandaag

Minder reizigers door Flexvervoer hoeft niet erg te zijn, OV Pro

MT-ITS conference: Identifying potential use of emerging neighbourhood mobility hubs using behavioural modelling

Neighbourhood mobility hubs may play an important role in mitigating the impact of passenger cars on climate change and urban public space. As a relatively new concept, academic research on the user potential of neighbourhood mobility hubs is so far limited. This research aims to identify which user groups are likely to adopt services offered by a neighbourhood mobility hub. A survey was distributed in the Netherlands (N=298) and an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and a Latent Class Cluster Analysis (LCCA) were executed. Four distinctive groups of intended users  were uncovered. Two of the clusters have intentions to use neighbourhood mobility hubs. The other two identified clusters do not (yet) intend  to use neighbourhood mobility hubs. The clusters indicate that people who currently already travel more by sustainable modes (train or (e-)bicycle) are more likely to be adopters of neighbourhood mobility hubs than the traditional car users. In practice, this may make the positive effect of hubs more limited than anticipated or even increase car use. However it could also facilitate those travelling sustainable to do so for longer as additional shared modes become available to them via hubs. Limitations and directions for further research are discussed.

Read the paper of Van der Meer et al. (2023) HERE

Find the presentation of MT-ITS (2023) in Nice HERE

The full research report is available HERE

More insights into mobility hubs and shared mobility:



Linkedin Blog series (in Dutch)

PhD project: Robust train trajectory optimization

In cooperation with the Dutch Railways (NS), Alex Cunillera works in this PhD research on robust train trajectory optimization. Even two trains of the same model running on the same line show significant differences in their dynamics. This might be due to different passenger loads, weather, fault history, driving style of the train driver, etc. Moreover, there are uncertainties in the track data that may also have a strong influence on the train operation. This research focuses on determining the uncertainties and stochastics of these variations and developing methods to compute robust train trajectories that optimize the energy consumption and minimize delays in the presence of the mentioned variations.

Project contributions (ongoing):


Train motion model calibration: research agenda and practical recommendations (ITSC 2022) 

Real-time train motion parameter estimation using an Unscented Kalman Filter (Transportation Research Part C) 

Train trajectory optimization under parametric uncertainty and roubst maximum principle analysis (COIA 2022)


Real-time train motion parameter estimation using an Unscented Kalman Filter (RailBeijing 2021)

Train motion model calibration: research agenda and practical recommendations (ITSC 2022)

CVS congres 2022

Op het CVS congres 2022 waren de volgende presentaties en papers vanuit het Smart Public Transport Lab:

Een onderzoeksagenda voor sociaal inclusieve mobiliteit in de Vervoerregio Amsterdam, Matthew Bruno, Niels van Oort, Suzanne Kieft: Paper en presentatie(NL) en presentation(English)

De invloed van comfort en veiligheidsgevoel op stationskeuze voor fietsers, Anne Barneveld, Raymond Huisman, Niels van Oort: Paper en presentatie

Een wijkhub voor iedereen? Inzichten in de behoefte aan hubfaciliteiten en deelmobiliteit voor verschillende bevolkingsgroepen, Jarco Vianen, Niels van Oort, Minze Walvius: Paper en presentatie

Covid impacts on train travel behaviour

Delft University of Technology and the Dutch railways (NS) started a joint, longitudinal research in April 2020 on Covid impacts on train passenger behaviour. During the pandemic, 7 surveys in different stages (15,000-45,000 participants each) were held to learn about the impacts and expectations. The main results are presented in an infographic.

Find the high resolution infographic HERE. Also available in DUTCH

Find the detailed results in these scientific papers:

Transportion research-Part A: Teleworking during COVID-19 in the Netherlands: Understanding behaviour, attitudes, and future intentions of train travellers

Bivec Transport Days: Train traveller behaviour during and after Covid: insights of a
longitudinal survey of Dutch train passengers

Transport Research Procedia: Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on the travel behavior of train
travelers in the Netherlands

Find other output such as reports, presentations and media articles

Micromobility and public transport

Following technological and societal developments, new modes and services arrive in our cities. Micromobility solutions, such as shared (e-)bikes and –scooters, are adding new opportunities for individuals, but what their (potential) contribution is to societal objectives such as sustainability, land use and inclusiveness, is not yet known. In order to gain this knowledge and optimize the mobility mix, the Smart Public Transport Lab investigates the demand and supply impacts and interaction of micromobility, including the interaction with public transport. In this infographic the main, recent results of the ongoing research are summarized.

Find more results and details in the related papers and theses:

1. Ma et al. (2020): Bike-sharing systems’ impact on modal shift: A case study in Delft, the Netherlands

2. Van Marsbergen et al. (2022): Exploring the role of bicycle sharing programs in relation to urban transit

3. Alberts (2021): Standing e-scooters, what to expect: micro-mobility with micro effects?

4. Van Kuijk et al. (2022): Preferences for shared modes of local public transport users in the last mile

5. Limburg (2021): Potential for sustainable mode usage amongst car users in mid-sized cities

6. Montes et al. (2023): Studying mode choice in multimodal networks including shared modes

7. Stam et al. (2021): Travellers’ preferences towards existing and emerging means of first/last mile transport: a case study for the Almere centrum railway station in the Netherlands

8. Geržinič et al. (2022): Potential of on-demand services for urban travel

9. Torabi et al. (2022): Passengers preferences for using emerging modes as first/last mile transport to and from a multimodal hub case study Delft Campus railway station

Potential of on-demand services for urban travel (Flex-OV)

On-demand mobility services are promising to revolutionise urban travel, but preliminary studies are showing that they may actually increase the total vehicle miles travelled, thereby worsening road congestion in cities. In this study, we assess the demand for on-demand mobility services in urban areas,using a stated preference survey, to understand the potential impact of introducing on-demand services on the current modal split. The survey was carried out in the Netherlands and offered respondents a choice between bike, car, public transport and on-demand services. 1,063 valid responses are analysed with a multinomial logit and a latent class choice model. By means of the latter, we uncover four distinctive groups of travellers based on the observed choice behaviour. The majority of the sample (55%) are avid cyclists and do not see on-demand mobility as an alternative for making urban trips. Two classes (27% and 9% of the sample) would potentially use on-demand services: the former is fairly timesensitive and would thus use on-demand service if they were sufficiently fast. The latter class however is highly cost-sensitive, and would therefore use on-demand mobility primarily if it is cheap. The fourth class (9%) shows very limited potential for using on-demand services.

Read the paper by Nejc Geržinič HERE

Ex-post evaluatie van mobiliteitshubs: Een kwalitatieve studie naar de factoren die het gebruik en de effecten van mobiliteitshubs beïnvloeden

Mobiliteitshubs zijn een veelbelovend concept dat steeds meer aandacht krijgt. Zo zijn er in de afgelopen twee jaar ongeveer 150 buurtmobiliteitshubs geopend in Nederland. Buurtmobiliteitshubs, een plek waar een aantal verschillende (deel)voertuigen worden aangeboden, worden gezien als een ondersteuner en versterker van deelmobiliteit. Zo kunnen deelmobiliteit en mobiliteitshubs aantrekkelijke alternatieven bieden voor privé voertuigen en bijdragen aan gemeentelijke beleidsdoelen. Vier grote thema’s zijn hierin te onderscheiden. Meestal gaat het over een verbetering in de openbare ruimte, duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen, reductie van privéauto’s en ambities wat betreft bereikbaarheid.

Lees meer over het onderzoek van Iris van Gerrevink in haar CVS paper en CVS presentatie.

Deelvervoer in de provincie Utrecht: het potentieel gebruik in combinatie met OV.

De provincie Utrecht wil de verwachte reizigersgroei in het OV het hoofd bieden door in te zetten op meer kwaliteit voor de reiziger, duurzame en innovatieve mobiliteits-oplossingen en per gebied te kiezen voor de meest geschikte combinatie van vervoerwijzen. Hierbij past dit gebruikersonderzoek naar hoe lokaal OV (stad- en streekvervoer met bussen en trams) en deelmobiliteit in het voor- en natransport elkaar kunnen versterken. Dit sluit aan op het wetenschappelijk kennishiaat; er is helaas nog weinig bekend over het gebruik van deelvervoer in multi-modale ketens.

Lees meer over dit onderzoek van Roy van Kuijk in het CVS artikel HIER en presentatie HIER

Train traveller behaviour during and after Covid: insights of a longitudinal survey of Dutch train passengers

The pandemic had (and still has) an obvious impact on public transport (use). To gain insights into passenger behaviour during and after the pandemic, a longitudinal survey is organised with the goal to capture behaviour, attitudes and intentions related to train usage. Four surveys were held between April and December 2020, involving 23,000-47,000 passengers each. The results provide valuable, quantitative insights that help to recover and rethink public transport after the pandemic, for instance by adjusted planning, design and operations. Findings show that 30% of the passengers want to avoid the peak hour after Covid and 72% will telework more often, saving multiple trips per week. The most popular days for teleworking will be Friday and Wednesday. Related future research directions are for instance developing more flexible and demand-driven schedules and services.

Read more in the PAPER by Mark van Hagen et al. or check the PRESENTATION at the BIVEC Transport days

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