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Student views and research results

HUBgebruiker als uitgangspunt voor ontwerp

Mobiliteitshubs lijken het nieuwste wapen in de strijd om mobiliteit duurzamer en aangenamer te maken. Maar voor wie maken we die hubs?

Lees het hele onderzoek van Jarco Vianen HIER

EenVandaag over structurele gedragsveranderingen treinreizigers na Corona

Bijdrage aan EenVandaag reportage over de toekomst van OV, met resultaten uit ons Corona onderzoek TU Delft ism NS over structurele gedragsveranderingen. Ook pleidooi voor bredere blik op de waarde van OV, met oa aandacht voor duurzaamheid en inclusiviteit:

TV reportage


Meer inzichten uit ons Corona onderzoek: HIER

Smart Public Transport Lab

Wij geloven dat het openbaar vervoer een cruciale rol speelt in de ontwikkeling van aantrekkelijke, bereikbare en duurzame steden en regio’s.  Het Smart Public Transport Lab van de TU Delft ontwikkelt nieuwe oplossingen en methoden voor de planning, exploitatie en het beheer van openbaar vervoer.

In het Smart Public Transport Lab zijn we gepassioneerd over het uitvoeren van wetenschappelijk onderzoek van hoog niveau met een praktische relevantie en impactvolle resultaten.  Welkom aan boord!

Ons team

Media en interviews


Website (Engels)

Public Transport Reliability: podcast and book chapter

This podcast and book chapter discuss the elements of service reliability, the impact of service reliability on passengers, indicators that are used to measure reliability and variability, and how to make improvements. In this episode of the podcast Niels van Oort talks about the research behind the handbook chapter, including his PhD thesis and subsequent work. Some of the topics discussed are: the factors that can impact service reliability; the need for perspectives across strategic, tactical and operational levels; and bridging the gaps between front-line staff, management and researchers.  Data sets, modelling and the practicality of optimal solutions are also discussed.

Learn more via

Insights into the bicycle-train combination: welcome on board!

The bicycle as an access and egress mode to and from train stations offers multiple (societal) benefits. A recent study shows that > 60% of the Dutch population who use the combined mode, actually do have the availability of a car, but experience more benefits by using the bicycle+train combination. International studies show that the introduction of shared bicycle systems enabled a shift from car up to 20%. A strong relation with public transport was recommended.

Next to the benefits for the passenger, societal benefits are also widely, namely regarding accessibility, health, safety and sustainability. To conclude, good access and egress facilities also enable to improve the efficiency and quality of public transport networks.

However, good implementation requires attention to up to 40 factors, ranging to safe cycling routes, user characteristics and related preferences and quality of public transport and competing modes. To learn about these and overcome the barriers, we discuss multiple aspects of the combination in detail.

Find the presentation at the European Transport Conference HERE

Find our blog HERE

Standing E-Scooters, what to expect?

Standing E-scooters are an emerging mode of transport, for which shared e-scooter-suppliers claim that  it is part of the solution for a sustainable and liveable city. However, little is known about the impact of these vehicles that can be expected when e-scooters are launched. In this paper we show the results of a research exploring impacts and supporting implementation in the Netherlands, also useful for other cities and countries that consider introduction of e-scooters.

Learn more via the presentation of Gijs Alberts at the European Transport Conference (ETC) HERE

Covid-19 and train travel behavior

To gain insights into passenger behavior during and after the pandemic, NS and Delft University of Technology organized a longitudinal survey with the goal to capture behavior, attitudes and intentions related to train usage. Five surveys were held between April 2020 and April 2021, involving 23,000-47,000 passengers each. The results provide valuable, quantitative insights that help to recover and rethink public transport after the pandemic, for instance by adjusted planning, design and operations.

Find the insights presented at the European Transport Conference 2021 in:

Our paper

Our presentation

Find all output of this ongoing project: HERE

When science meets practice

Samen met wetenschappers organiseren het Smart Public Transport Lab van de TU Delft en Railforum jaarlijks een ‘When Science Meets Practice’. Hier wisselen studenten, wetenschappers en professionals uit de sector hun kennis en ervaringen uit. Hiermee willen we elkaar inspireren met nieuwe inzichten, betere oplossingen voor de praktijk vinden of nieuwe onderzoeksvragen benoemen. 

2021: Zo kiest men in Europa vaker de trein

2020: Digitale ongelijkheid in slimme mobiliteit

2019: Fiets en ov, hoe faciliteren we deze sterk groeiende combi?

2018: Internationaal railvervoer

2017: Knooppunten

2016: Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

2015: Robuustheid

Smart PT Lab @ European Transport Conference in Dublin

The Smart Public Transport Lab will be present at the European Transport Conference that will take place from 9th-11th October in Dublin, Ireland. Smart PT Lab members and partners will present the following studies:

• Impact assessment of new North/South metro line in Amsterdam
• AV meets PT: the future of automated vehicles in public transport
• Determinants of public transport use toward intermodal hubs, including emerging modes
• Equity-related impacts of coarser and high frequent public transport networks
• Bicycle and transit: a powerful combination
• Operations of E-buses: a challenging trade-off in finding optimal charging locations
• Controlling high-frequency bus services by implementing headway-based holding strategies

With, amongst others, Fatemeh Torabi Kachousangi, Roy van Kuijk, Reanne Boersma, Ties Brands, Malvika Dixit and Niels van Oort.
You may find the sessions by browsing the conference program at ETC program

Let us know if you are interested in more information in any of these studies. Looking forward to meet you at ETC2019!

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