Niels van Oort
Fietsen naar de tramhalte: simultane modellering van voortransport- en haltekeuze
Wereldwijd wordt er gestuurd op een toename van duurzame vervoerkeuzes voor een betere leefbaarheid en bereikbaarheid. Vooral in de steden waar de samenleving groeit en de dichtheden groter worden is een verandering in kijk op de mobiliteit noodzakelijk om de burgers tevreden te stellen. De integratie van fiets en openbaar vervoer (OV) kan hier aan bijdragen. Wanneer de fiets wordt gebruikt als voortransportmiddel wordt het invloedsgebied van het OV vergroot ten opzichte van lopen waarmee het een beter alternatief wordt voor niet-duurzame vervoermiddelen. Om de combinatie fiets en OV te vergroten zullen effectieve klantgerichte maatregelen genomen moeten worden. Hiervoor is meer inzicht nodig is de factoren die een rol spelen bij de keuzes voor voortransportmiddel en halte. Hier is tot op heden nog weinig over bekend op het stedelijk niveau. Door de keuzes in één onderzoek te combineren wordt de afweging duidelijk tussen het voortransportmiddel en de OV-reis, en kunnen de effecten op het invloedsgebied van het OV bepaald worden. Dit is gedaan op basis van data van HTM-tramreizigers in Den Haag middels een simultaan discreet keuzemodel van voortransportmiddel en halte keuze. Resultaten geven aan dat reizigers in het algemeen liever lopen dan fietsen naar de tramhalte. Daartegenover staat dat de afstand naar de tramhalte lopend 2,1 keer zwaarder weegt dan als men fietst. Dat betekent dat bij een langere afstand fietsen aantrekkelijker wordt dan wandelen. Frequente fietsers zijn meer geneigd om ook naar de tramhalte te fietsen, terwijl frequente tramreizigers juist minder vaak fietsen naar de tram. De aanwezigheid van fietsparkeervoorzieningen vergroot het invloedsgebied van een tramhalte, maar de grootste impact op het invloedsgebied van fietsers is de OV-reistijd. Verbeteringen aan het OV-systeem, zoals minder haltes en/of hogere frequenties kunnen dan ook zorgen voor een groter geaccepteerde fietsafstand (fietskeuze) tot de halte. Op basis van deze resultaten lijkt het mogelijk de fiets-OV combinatie ook op stedelijk niveau te stimuleren. Hierdoor kan duurzame mobiliteit op stedelijk niveau betere concurrentie bieden aan de auto, wat lijdt tot een aantrekkelijkere en beter leefbare stad.
Bekijk hier de presentatie en paper van Danique Ton et al.: Presentatie en Paper
OV en (deel)fiets: vriend of vijand? Inzichten in gebruik en reizigersvoorkeuren
In beleid en onderzoek is steeds meer aandacht voor duurzame vervoermiddelen, zoals de fiets en het openbaar vervoer (OV). Integratie van fiets én openbaar vervoer kan de voordelen van beide systemen combineren: De fiets zorgt voor fijnmazige ontsluiting van herkomsten en bestemmingen, is duurzaam en bevordert een gezonde leefstijl. De kwaliteit van het OV neemt de laatste jaren toe, onder andere door de introductie van hoogwaardig OV (HOV): snelle, frequente en betrouwbare bus- tram- en metrolijnen met een hoog comfortniveau. De halteafstanden van deze systemen zijn, net als bij het spoor, relatief hoog, waardoor de fiets een belangrijke rol kan spelen in de gebiedsontsluiting. Echter, op kortere afstanden zijn de fiets en het OV, naast een nuttige combinatie, ook elkaars concurrenten.
Om inzicht te krijgen in de aanvullende dan wel concurrerende rol van de fiets en OV, is onderzoek nodig over hoe de reiziger zich nu en in de toekomst beweegt. Dit inzicht helpt om een optimaal integraal fiets+OV systeem te ontwerpen en gebruik van dit systeem te stimuleren en te faciliteren. Dit paper laat de resultaten zien van vier recente TU Delft onderzoeken op dit gebied.
Resultaten van een literatuuronderzoek naar de first- en last-mile laat zien welke factoren belangrijk zijn voor modaliteitskeuze, waaruit bijvoorbeeld blijkt dat mannen die bekend zijn met de omgeving vooral gebruik maken van de fiets. Onderzoek in Den Haag laat het bereik van de tramhalte zien voor de fiets. Fietsers zijn bereid tot 3 km te fietsen om bij een tramhalte in de stad te komen. Ongeveer 50% van de gebruikers fietst verder dan de dichtstbijzijnde halte als deze halte minder overstappen, betere parkeervoorziening en meer reisopties biedt. Voor het natransport is de deelfiets een relatief nieuwe optie. Onderzoek naar Mobike in Delft (dockless bikes) laat zien dat ca.19% van de deelfietsritten gebruikt wordt om van en naar het station te komen. Met name het gebruik van Mobike voor ritten naar station Delft Zuid, met beperkte andere mogelijkheden, valt op. Ook voor andere deelfietssystemen in Delft, zoals OV-fiets en Swapfiets is onderzoek gedaan naar het gebruik. Door de beschikbaarheid van deze systemen geeft 9-16% van de gebruikers aan meer gebruik van de trein te maken, tegenover 34-60% minder van de bus. Ook lopen wordt vervangen door deze nieuwe modaliteiten in 35-42% van de gevallen.
Bekijk de presentatie en paper hier: Presentatie en Paper
Understanding the Modal Shift in Response to Bike-sharing Systems in the City of Delft
The introduction of bike-sharing systems has revitalized cycling in many cities around the world. In general, the bike-sharing systems operated worldwide can be divided into two categories: docked bike-sharing and dockless bike-sharing. In the docked bike-sharing system, users have to rent bicycles from designated docking stations and then return them to the available lockers in the docking stations. The dockless bike-sharing system is designed to provide more freedom and flexibility to travellers in terms of bicycle accessibility. In contrast to docked bike-sharing, riders are free to leave bicycles in both physical and geo-fencing designated parking areas provided in public space with or without bicycle racks.
As a greener travel mode, bike-sharing is competitive in short distance travel and people who have long commuting distance are more likely to choose public transit integration with it. Previous research has shown that bike-sharing reduces car and taxi useage and increases cycling in almost every city. Bike-sharing system has been shown to reduce trip demand of public transportation including train, metro and bus.
In Delft as a student city in the Netherlands, cycling is seen as the most important mode of transport within the city. There exist three different bike-sharing schemes in operations, including OV-fiets, Mobike and Swapfiets. OV-fiets was introduced in the Netherlands in 2003 [4]. The bicycles should always be brought back to the location where the rental started. At this moment, there are almost 300 rental locations consisting of 20500 bicycles. Mobike is a dockless bike-sharing service and is more flexible than the existing docked bike-sharing alternative. Mobike extended the operations to Delft in March 2018 with a focus on the university campus. Swapfiets, launched in 2014, is a bicycle-rental system on a subscription basis, can be used for regular private trips. Now it has over 50,000 customers in 38 cities in Europe. The coexistence of different bike-sharing schemes in Delft enables this city to be a test bed for bike-sharing research.
This paper aims to understand the modal shift dynamics and the factors influence travellers’ choices in response to different bike-sharing systems by conducting a survey targeting OV-fiets users, Mobike users and Swapfiets users and private-bike users.
Find the CRB presentation and abstract of Xinwei Ma: Presentation and ABSTRACT
Ridership impacts of the introduction of a dockless bike-sharing scheme, a data-driven case study
In recent years, growing concerns over climate change, pollution, congestion and unhealthy lifestyles have contributed to increasing attention to sustainable transport modes such as cycling in general and more particularly the bicycle-transit combination. As part of the policy to promote cycling, bike-sharing programs were introduced in the past decades. The development of smart bicycle locks in combination with the possibilities of smartphones, made a new type of bike-sharing possible, in literature known as dockless, free-floating or fourth generation bike-sharing. In the new dockless, model, users are able to start and end their trip at their origin and destination without having to find a nearby docking station. Compared with traditional bike-sharing programs, dockless bike-sharing systems integrate mobile payment and global positioning system (GPS) tracking into the system; these features greatly increase the ease of use and management of the system.
This paper is set up around a pilot implementation of the dockless bike-sharing system of Mobike in Delft, the Netherlands. Our research deals with what can be learned from this pilot and analyzing the critical success factors for a sustainable bike-sharing system based on the data of the Delft Mobike pilot. The focus of this paper is on the combined bicycle and transit mode. This research is based on an experimental method for collecting operational data from the bikesharing system, being the first research based on trip data of a dockless bike-sharing system in Western Europe.
Find the Cycling Research Board abstract and presentation of Sven Boor: Presentation and ABSTRACT
Impact assessment of new North/South metro line in Amsterdam
Large infrastructural projects are usually evaluated ex-ante before the decision to build the project is taken. However, after construction and opening of such project a thorough ex-post analysis is rare. In this paper we present an overview of such an evaluation study conducted in Amsterdam, capital of The Netherlands, including some first results. Research themes in the study are public transport, mobility and accessibility, public space and liveability and spatial economics. In this paper we focus on effects on public transport.
The new north-south metro line in Amsterdam became operational in summer 2018. This was accompanied by changes to the existing bus and tram network to provide feeder services to the new line, as well as to remove duplicate routes. Apart from adding significant capacity to the public transport network, the new line and the accompanying changes to the network are expected to improve travel times, reliability, accessibility and comfort levels (at least on average; not for all individual travellers).
The changes in such service quality attributes is expected to lead to a change in travel behaviour in terms of public transport route choice, mode choice (between public transport and private modes or within public transport), destination choice, departure time choice or addition of new trips (induced demand).
The objective of this study is to identify the main effects of the new metro line on existing and new passengers. We pay attention to the following aspects:
– Passenger volumes.
– Travel times, where the following distinction can be made:
o in-vehicle time;
o waiting time at the first stop;
o transfer walking time;
o transfer waiting time.
– Number of transfers.
– Network flows / crowding in vehicles.
– Reliability: travel time variance on the journey level.
– Accessibility: number of inhabitants and jobs reachable within a travel time budget.
Data sources for the study are GTFS timetable data (open source), Smart card data (both from within the city of Amsterdam as for the regional feeder bus services) and Automated Vehicle Location data. To measure perceived quality of the PT network, a survey is conducted among inhabitants of Amsterdam. In this survey approximately 3.800 respondents were asked about the travel time perceptions of their last PT trip, both before and after opening of the metro line. Finally, for a sample of travellers the entire trip is followed by a GPS tracking app.
Bicycle and Transit: a Powerful Combination
Cities are facing mobility related problems such as traffic congestion and air pollution. The combination of bicycle and transit offers a sustainable alternative to individual motorized transport. It combines the benefits of both modes, namely speed, flexibility and accessibility. This paper merges several results of our recent studies in this combined mode. The bicycle and transit mode is at first reviewed from a governance point of view. After this top-down approach a shift to the actual bicycle and transit users is made. The objective of this paper is to understand the characteristics of the bicycle-transit combination. Understanding the bicycle-transit chain makes it possible to improve the design of the chain by adapting policies which enhances (further) growth of this sustainable transport mode.
Regarding the governance point of view: two metropolitan areas in the world where both bicycle and transit systems are highly developed are compared. The metropolitan region of Copenhagen and the Dutch Randstad conurbation. In the Netherlands the governance structure of spatial planning and transit planning has gradually been shifted from local and national level to provincial level. Furthermore, many provinces are a key stakeholder when developing so called bicycle highways. The combination of responsibilities for (i) spatial planning, (ii) transit, and (iii) bicycle planning has proven to be extremely successful when making the most out of the bicycle-transit combination. It is seen that the results of the integration of transit and spatial planning highly encourages citizens to use the bicycle and transit mode.
In addition to our policy-related analysis, the actual bicycle and transit user has been examined. It is seen that the current users of the combined mode are mainly middle-aged, male, full-time employees. Catchment areas of transit stops depends on multiple factors. One of these factors is quality of the transit supply. In comparison to low level services, high level services attract users from twice as far. While over 40% of the Dutch train traveller uses the bike to get from home to the station, modal shift might be possible regarding egress trips and from and to high level bus, tram and metro services. Dockless bikes are helpful regarding egress transport. In the city of Delft, approximately 15% of the MoBike dockless bike trips are related to the train stations.
Finally, it is concluded that the combination of bicycle and transit is a successful and sustainable transport combination. Both from a governance and user perspective, there are major opportunities regarding the egress side of the bicycle transit chain. Furthermore, the transition of low level transit to high level transit makes the bicycle-transit combination more attractive, transit authorities are therefore highly encouraged to facilitate bicycle parking and shared bicycle facilities at their transit stops.
Check the ETC presentation with Raymond Huisman HERE
Autonomous vehicles meet Public Transport: the future of automated vehicles in public transport
The technology of automated vehicles is developing rapidly and the vehicles offer a lot of benefits. They claim to be safer, more environmentally friendly and they can provide transport for everyone, including people who currently don’t have access to transportation. The focus seemed to be on the development of automated private vehicles, but the focus seems to shift from private transportation to automated public transportation.
The Netherlands has been pro-active in testing automated vehicles on public roads. This paper gives an overview of the projects and pilots with automated vehicles as public transport in the Netherlands as well as the remaining research questions. Also, preliminary results of passenger related studies regarding expected ridership and perception are discussed in this paper. Information was gathered by performing desk research and conducting interviews with twelve public transport authorities. During these interviews we spoke about threats and opportunities as well as feasibility, visions and knowledge gaps. Subsequently we spoke about what the future of public transport would look like and how we can anticipate on these upcoming technologies. Lastly we asked about (future) pilot locations with automated vehicles. These locations are included on a map of the Netherlands.
In many places in the Netherlands there is or has already been experiments with automated vehicles (3 – 4). These pilots, experiments or demonstrations are often focused on the technical aspects. However, the challenges regarding the deployment of an automated vehicle extends beyond the technical level. The interviewed parties indicate that it is important to focus, with the upcoming pilots, more on the traveler and the position of the vehicle within the existing public transport network. The interviewed parties stress that it is important to think about the long-term implementation.
The current public transport contracts as we know them, will likely change with the arrival of automated vehicles. Concessions are already becoming more flexible and space is created to experiment with new concepts such as automated vehicles. During a concession, it is possible to experiment alongside the established service and a transition path can be mapped out. Tendering an automated shuttle has not (yet) taken place in the Netherlands (5). The public transport authorities are clear about the future: automated vehicles in public transport do not come with a ‘big bang’ but will gradually find their way.
Check the ETC presentation of Reanne Boersma, Arthur Scheltes and Niels van Oort HERE
Smart PT Lab @ European Transport Conference in Dublin
The Smart Public Transport Lab will be present at the European Transport Conference that will take place from 9th-11th October in Dublin, Ireland. Smart PT Lab members and partners will present the following studies:
• Impact assessment of new North/South metro line in Amsterdam
• AV meets PT: the future of automated vehicles in public transport
• Determinants of public transport use toward intermodal hubs, including emerging modes
• Equity-related impacts of coarser and high frequent public transport networks
• Bicycle and transit: a powerful combination
• Operations of E-buses: a challenging trade-off in finding optimal charging locations
• Controlling high-frequency bus services by implementing headway-based holding strategies
With, amongst others, Fatemeh Torabi Kachousangi, Roy van Kuijk, Reanne Boersma, Ties Brands, Malvika Dixit and Niels van Oort.
You may find the sessions by browsing the conference program at ETC program
Let us know if you are interested in more information in any of these studies. Looking forward to meet you at ETC2019!
Impacts of replacing a fixed transit line by a Demand Responsive Transit system
The diffusion of the smartphone and the urban sprawl is pushing both private and public actors to revisit the concept of the demand-responsive transit (DRT). Mokumflex is a DRT pilot program that replaced the regular bus service in low-density areas of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, for 12 months. The close collaboration with the private enterprise that conducted the system but also with the local bus operator allowed the authors to have access to precise databases, giving this article empirical information for both the situation before and after the implementation. These insights help to understand DRT systems and support (future) design of DRT and transit systems. A few indicators were chosen for the comparison: distances, ridership, costs, Greenhouse Gases (GHG), emissions and population’s perception. The ridership dropped, however, for being “demand-tailored”, the mileage per passenger reduced, improving the costs and GHG emissions. In regards to population’s perception, the system enjoyed a good evaluation.
Find the Thredbo presentation of Felipe Coutinho HERE and the paper HERE
The advantages of multi-modal concessions, two analyses in the Netherlands
Public transport authorities are aiming for more integrated concessions, including bus, train services, to provide a better experience for travellers. This paper describes the analysis of the effect of multimodal concessions.First, the Dutch Province of Limburg moved from uni-modal to a multimodal concession. The paper analyses effects of that choice had for network design, travel times (using weighted generalized travel time), travel costs, patronage (using smart card data analysis), and coordinative interactions between operator and authority (based on interviews). Second, the paper analyses three different forms of coordination between bus and train services, using the STO model. It compares three regional concession in the Netherlands in Limburg, Fryslân, and Groningen. They represent one region with a multi-modal concession under net-cost, one region with multiple unimodal concessions under net-cost and one region with multiple unimodal concessions under mixed forms of contract. The paper concludes that multi-modal concessions provide some real-world advantages to travellers and authorities. However, to what extent these advantages materialize is dependent on a number of key factors, including the type of contracts used, the number of transport authorities active in the concession area and the role that the transport authority wants to take up.
Find the Thredbo presentation of Gerald Hoekstra HERE and the paper HERE