Inclusive mobility

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  1. Bruno, M., and N. Van Oort (2023) The ten dimensions of transport related social exclusion, position paper
  2. Bruno, M., Kouwenberg, M., & van Oort, N. (2024). Evaluating How Transportation Policy Addresses Transport Related Social Exclusion: A Novel Method Applied to the Amsterdam Transport Region. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 26.
  3. Van Oort, N., R.A.J. vd Bijl, F.C.A. Verhoof (2017), The wider benefits of high quality public transport for cities, European Transport Conference, Barcelona.
  4. Bon, T., Bruno, M., & van Oort, N. (2025). Three-dimensional transport poverty and its socio-demographic and urban density predictors: Spatial regression analyses of neighborhoods in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
  5. Durand, A., Zijlstra, T., van Oort, N., Hoogendoorn-Lanser, S., & Hoogendoorn, S. (2022) Access denied? Digital inequality in transport services, Transport Reviews, 42:1, 32-57
  6. Dixit M., Chowdhury S., Cats O., Brands T., van Oort N. and Hoogendoorn S. (2021). Examining circuity of urban transit networks from an equity perspective, Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 91, 102980.
  7. Durand, A., Zijlstra, T., Hamersma, M., van Oort, N., Hoogendoorn-Lanser, S., & Hoogendoorn, S. (2023). “Who can I ask for help?”: Mechanisms behind digital inequality in public transport. Cities, 137, 104335
  8. Van Luven, M., N. van Oort, O. Cats, M. Bruno, M. Kouwenberg (2023), How to achieve an equitable distribution of accessibility by evaluating and modifying public transport networks: a comparison of accessibility distribution principles in the Netherlands, European Transport Conference, Milano.
  9. Durand, A., Hamersma, M., Rienstra, S. (2023). Use and perceived effects of digital travel information for car and public transport travel. Brochure. The Hague: Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (KiM).
  10. Durand, A., Zijlstra, T., Hamersma, M., van Oort, N., Hoogendoorn-Lanser, S., & Hoogendoorn, S. (2023). Fostering an inclusive public transport system in the digital era: an interdisciplinary approach. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 22, 100968.
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