Mobility hubs: Why, who, how?
Mobility hubs are often presented as the solution for enhanced accessibility, a shift towards sustainable mobility and/or improved public space. Sometimes, they seem to be a goal in itself.
In our research, we try to find out how to achieve the mobility, spatial and societal goals by investigating the potential users and their needs, and the required offered modes and facilities accordingly.
The highlights of multiple research projects are presented the infographic below. More details and extra insights are available via the related research papers.

- Hoogenboom (2024), Exploiting the benefits of a mobility hub to incentivize shared car usage.
- Montes, A., N. Geržinic, W.V. Veeneman, N. van Oort, S.P. Hoogendoorn (2023), Shared micromobility and public transport integration – A mode choice study using stated preference data, Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 99, 101302.
- Spierenburg, L., H. van Lint, N. van Oort (2024), Synergizing cycling and transit: Strategic placement of cycling infrastructure to enhance job accessibility,
Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 116. - Van der Meer, T. Leferink, N. Geržinič, J. A. Annema and N. v. Oort (2023), Identifying potential use of emerging neighbourhood mobility hubs using behavioural modelling, 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), Nice, pp. 1-6.
- Van Gerrevink, I., J. de Jong, N. van Oort (2021), Ex-post evaluatie van mobiliteitshubs: Een kwalitatieve studie naar de factoren die het gebruik en de effecten van mobiliteitshubs beïnvloeden. CVS congres Utrecht. (in Dutch; English report)
- Van Kuijk, R.J., G. Homem de Almeida Correia, N. van Oort, B. van Arem (2023), Preferences for first and last mile shared mobility between stops and activity locations: A case study of local public transport users in Utrecht, the Netherlands, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 166.
- Vianen, J., N. van Oort, M. Walvius (2022) Een wijkhub voor iedereen? Inzichten in de behoefte aan hubfaciliteiten en deelmobiliteit voor verschillende bevolkingsgroepen. CVS congres Utrecht (in Dutch; English report)
- Xanthopoulos, S., M. van der Tuin, S. Sharif Azadeh, G. Correia, N. van Oort, M. Snelder (2024), Optimization of the location and capacity of shared multimodal mobility hubs to maximize travel utility in urban areas, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 179.
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