10 years of integrated Bicycle+Transit research

One sustainable mode gaining more attraction recently is the bicycle-transit combination: with a bicycle ride before and/or after the public transport journey. Integrating these modes, both short and long distances from door-to-door can be covered fast and comfortable (thanks to transit) and flexible (due to the bike). This makes the bicycle-transit combination a potential competitor for the car. In addition, the effectiveness of public transport will substantially increase due to increased catchment areas and enhanced first and mile options. However, integrating both modes is not easy and knowlegde about planning, behaviour and implementation are limited. We started our research in this domain back in 2015 and then provided many insights since then, provided in classic journal papers, but we also put much effort in other formats, suiting better to all needs.  Learn more about planning, modelling and operating an integrated bicycle+transit system via the contributions below:

Societal value

What is the value of integrating bike sharing systems and public transport?, Research


The bicycle and transit combination, Dutch Cycling Embassy

Designing optimal Public Transport and shared modes, Mobility Innovators


Integrating cycling and transit, EIT Urban Mobility


Mobility Hubs

Micromobility and public transport

Bicycle and transit


The Bicycle-Train Combination: A Ticket to Success, Dutch Cycling Embassy

Journal papers

Spierenburg, L., H. van Lint, N. van Oort (2024), Synergizing cycling and transit: Strategic placement of cycling infrastructure to enhance job accessibility, Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 116.

Xanthopoulos, S., M. van der Tuin, S. Sharif Azadeh, G. Correia, N. van Oort, M. Snelder (2024), Optimization of the location and capacity of shared multimodal mobility hubs to maximize travel utility in urban areas, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 179.

Van Kuijk, R.J., G. Homem de Almeida Correia, N. van Oort, B. van Arem (2023), Preferences for first and last mile shared mobility between stops and activity locations: A case study of local public transport users in Utrecht, the Netherlands, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 166.

Montes, A., N. Geržinic, W.V. Veeneman, N. van Oort, S.P. Hoogendoorn (2023), Shared micromobility and public transport integration – A mode choice study using stated preference data, Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 99, 101302.

Torabi, F., Y. Araghi, N. van Oort, S.P. Hoogendoorn (2022), Passengers preferences for using emerging modes as first/last mile transport to and from a multimodal hub case study Delft Campus railway station, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Vol.10, Issue 1, pp.300-314.

Liouta, G., Saibene, G., van Oort, N., Cats, O., & Schulte, F. (2022). Can Shared Mobility Compensate for Public Transport Disruptions? The Case of Milan’s Bike Sharing System During the COVID-19 PandemicTransportation Research Record.

Van Marsbergen, A., D. Ton, S. Nijënstein, J.A. Annema, N. van Oort (2022), Exploring the role of bicycle sharing programs in relation to urban transit, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Volume 10, Issue 1.

Stam, B., van Oort, N., van Strijp-Harms, H.J., Van der Spek, S., Hoogendoorn, S.P. (2021). Travellers’ preferences towards existing and emerging means of first/last mile transport: a case study for the Almere centrum railway station in the Netherlands. Eur. Transp. Res. Rev. 13, 56. .

Bronsvoort K, Alonso-González M, Van Oort N, Molin E, Hoogendoorn S. (2021). Preferences toward Bus Alternatives in Rural Areas of the Netherlands: A Stated Choice Experiment. Transportation Research Record. 2675(12):524-533.

Ton, D., Shelat, S., Nijënstein, S., Rijsman, L., van Oort, N., Hoogendoorn, S. (2020) Understanding the Role of Cycling to Urban Transit Stations through a Simultaneous Access Mode and Station Choice Model, Transportation Research Record, 2674 (8), pp. 823-835.

Ma, X., Ji, Y., Yuan, Y., Van Oort, N., Jin, Y., Hoogendoorn, S.(2020), A comparison in travel patterns and determinants of user demand between docked and dockless bike-sharing systems using multi-sourced data, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 139, pp. 148-173.

Ma, X., Yuan, Y., Van Oort, N., Hoogendoorn, S., (2020). Bike-sharing Systems: Impact on Modal Shift: A Case Study in Delft, the Netherlands. J. Clean. Prod. 120846.

Van Mil, J.F.P., Leferink, T.S., Annema, J.A. et al. Insights into factors affecting the combined bicycle-transit mode. Public Transport (2020).

Rijsman, L., N. van Oort, D. Ton, S. Hoogendoorn , E. Molin, T. Teijl (2019), Walking and bicycle catchment areas of tram stops: factors and insights, Proceedings of IEEE MT-ITS conference, Krakow.

Shelat, S., R. Huisman, N. van Oort (2018). Analysis of the trip and user characteristics of the combined bicycle and transit mode. Research in Transportation Economics.

Brand, J., N. van Oort, B. Schalkwijk, S. Hoogendoorn (2017), Modelling Multimodal Transit Networks; Integration of bus networks with walking and cycling, MT-ITS Conference Napoli.

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