Short Courses in Public Transport Planning
A practical guide to strategic and operations planning, network design, economic, appraisal methods, data collection, performance measurement, market forecasting and priority for bus, tram and rail services. in association with the Delft University of Technology, Dept. Transport&Planning, Institute of Transport Studies Monash University Iand Transport Research Centre, University of Auckland.
The first succesful trainings were held 26 January to 30 January, 2015 in Delft.
Part I
A practical guide to operations planning, market forecasting and economic appraisal methods for the development of bus and tram services. Key issues addressed at this short course are: Frequency determination; Timetable development; Vehicle scheduling; Demand forecasting; Service reliability management: Financial and economic appraisal of transit route development projects: Performance measures.
Part II
A practical guide to strategic and operations planning, network design, data collection, performance measurement and priority design for bus, tram and rail services. Key issues addressed at this short course are: Strategic perspectives; Network and route design; Data collection and analysis; Interaction with land-uses; Route choice and passenger flow forecasting; Priority for on-road public transport; Operations planning and crew scheduling; Network structure analysis.
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