Posted in September 2022
Covid impacts on train travel behaviour
Delft University of Technology and the Dutch railways (NS) started a joint, longitudinal research in April 2020 on Covid impacts on train passenger behaviour. During the pandemic, 7 surveys in different stages (15,000-45,000 participants each) were held to learn about the impacts and expectations. The main results are presented in an infographic.

Find the high resolution infographic HERE. Also available in DUTCH
Find the detailed results in these scientific papers:
Transportion research-Part A: Teleworking during COVID-19 in the Netherlands: Understanding behaviour, attitudes, and future intentions of train travellers
Bivec Transport Days: Train traveller behaviour during and after Covid: insights of a
longitudinal survey of Dutch train passengers
Transport Research Procedia: Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on the travel behavior of train
travelers in the Netherlands
Find other output such as reports, presentations and media articles
Micromobility and public transport
Following technological and societal developments, new modes and services arrive in our cities. Micromobility solutions, such as shared (e-)bikes and –scooters, are adding new opportunities for individuals, but what their (potential) contribution is to societal objectives such as sustainability, land use and inclusiveness, is not yet known. In order to gain this knowledge and optimize the mobility mix, the Smart Public Transport Lab investigates the demand and supply impacts and interaction of micromobility, including the interaction with public transport. In this infographic the main, recent results of the ongoing research are summarized.

Find more results and details in the related papers and theses:
1. Ma et al. (2020): Bike-sharing systems’ impact on modal shift: A case study in Delft, the Netherlands
2. Van Marsbergen et al. (2022): Exploring the role of bicycle sharing programs in relation to urban transit
3. Alberts (2021): Standing e-scooters, what to expect: micro-mobility with micro effects?
4. Van Kuijk et al. (2022): Preferences for shared modes of local public transport users in the last mile
5. Limburg (2021): Potential for sustainable mode usage amongst car users in mid-sized cities
6. Montes et al. (2023): Studying mode choice in multimodal networks including shared modes
7. Stam et al. (2021): Travellers’ preferences towards existing and emerging means of first/last mile transport: a case study for the Almere centrum railway station in the Netherlands
8. Geržinič et al. (2022): Potential of on-demand services for urban travel
9. Torabi et al. (2022): Passengers preferences for using emerging modes as first/last mile transport to and from a multimodal hub case study Delft Campus railway station
European Transport Conference 2022, Milano
The European Transport Conference (ETC) is taking place this week, September 7-9 2022 in Milano, Italy.
The following Smart PT Lab contributions will be presented:
Change in train travelling behaviour during and after Covid-19 due to anxiety (Presentation and research report)
G.B. Hafsteinsdottir, R. van der Knaap, N. van Oort, M. de Bruyn, M. van Hagen.
Shared micromobility and public transport integration. A mode choice study using stated
preference data (Presentation and research report)
A. Montes Rojas, N. Geržinic, W. Veeneman, N. van Oort, S. Hoogendoorn,.
Understanding the whole station choice concept by cyclists (Presentation and research report)
A Barneveld, R Huisman, N. van Oort.
The full program can be found here: