
Supervised students (PhD., MSc. and internships)

PhD + Postdoc students
2018: Lucile Brethome: Modelling and optimisation of a passenger railway transportation plan (SNCF)
2020: Menno Yap: Transfer optimisation, (TRANSFORM): PhD Thesis
2020: Maria Alonso Gonzalez: Demand responsive public transport, passenger perspective, (SCRIPTS)
2020: Jishnu Narayan S: Demand responsive public transport, vehicle perspective, (SCRIPTS)

2021: Ties Brands (Postdoc): Impacts of North-South line on Amsterdam (Amsterdam, VRA, GVB)

2022: Malvika Dixit: Impacts of North-South line on Amsterdam (Amsterdam, VRA, GVB)

2023: Sanmay Shelat: Passenger assistant app; passenger choice behaviour and modelling (My-TRACK)

2023: Marko Kapetanovic: CO2 modelling and monitoring of regional railway lines (Arriva)

2023: Nejc Geržinič: The Impact of Public Transport Disruptors on Travel Behaviour (Critical MaaS)

2024: Matthew Bruno (Postdoc): Inclusive Mobility (Vervoerregio Amsterdam)


Fatemeh Torabi: Multimodal hubs, including new modes

Roy van Kuijk: multimodal network design, including emerging modes (Province of Utrecht)

Anne Durand: Digital divide in (emerging) shared mobility services (KiM)

Alex Cunillera: Optimal train trajectories considering driver assistance and automatic trains operations (NS)         

Renate van der Knaap: Flexible train schedules and line planning (NS)

Lina Cheraitia: Modelling bicycle+train (SNCF)

Jyotsna Singh: Optimizing multimodal networks (XCARCITY)

Nejc Geržinič (Postdoc): First and last mile passenger behaviour (NS)

Marko Kapetanovic (Postdoc): Life cycle impacts public transport and shared mobility services (Arriva)

MSc students


Daan van der Klooster: Spatio-temporal network accessibility (TU Delft)
Jelmer Nederhof: Accessibility of Public Transport for People with a Disability (Populytics)
Martijn Stok: Bus network design (RET)
Lise van Dijk: Hubs and governance (AT Osborne)


Femke Mureau: Car low neighbourhoods (Gemeente Utrecht)
Josephine Scholte: Incorporating equity in transport policies (Witteveen and Bos)
Irene Bosman: Bicycle parking at stations (NS)
Savanna Kamsma: Closing the gap in urban shared mobility availability: Increasing accessibility in Amsterdam Zuidoost (AMS)

Timo Koster: The impact of urban speed limit reduction policy on public transport (Goudappel)
Jorn van Steen: Last-mile shared bike framework for decreasing car ridership and increasing public transport usage for commuting trips in suburban areas (Provincie Zuid-Holland)
Adri Hooijer: Impacts car free cities on transit ridership (Goudappel)
Martijn Stok: Bus network design (RET)
Laura Drechsel: Stories of Aging and Access (Studio Bereikbaar)

Watetu Mbugua: Examining the Societal Costs and Benefits of Integrating Bike Sharing Systems and Public Transport (TU Delft)
Adinda Ramadani: Face Validity of Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE): Exploring Segment-specific Perceptions and their Influence on Transport Decision-Making (TNO)

Janine Timmerman: Degrees of urbanisation in transport modelling (ProRail)
Kim Pham: Mobility Design Strategies For Sustainable Development In Peripheral Urban Areas (Gemeente Utrecht)
Madeline Lai: Exploring bicycle parking potential near public transport stops (Gemeente Den Haag)


Emma Zadeits: Moving towards a carless place of work (PON)
Wouter van der Veer: What is the effect of introducing privately owned e-scooters on the first and last mile of commuting by public transport in the Netherlands? (RHDHV)

David Dietzenbacher: International night rail services (Sweco)

Jesse Zegeling: Impact Assessment of Rail Switch Location Design on Railway Network Resilience (RHDHV)
Thaddaus Weiszhaar: Unravelling night train travel behaviour (RHDHV)
Julie van Damme: Shared micromobility, shared by everyone? (AMS)

Tim de Ridder : Optimal Stop Location Analysis for Urban Tram Systems (HTM)
Regino Blankenzee: Performance analysis of initial stabling plans of railway yards subjected to demand variations (NS)
Jim Hoogenboom: Exploiting the benefits of a mobility hub to incentivize shared car usage (AT Osborne)

Gert de Wit: Exploring the usage patterns of shared e-mopeds in first- and last mile transportation to train stations (NS)
Olaf de Waal: Train travellers as station manager? (NS)
Ruben Ranty: Accessibility of industrial areas (TU Delft)
Aaron Eichler: Passenger preferences for BRT (Movares)

Rody Boting: Unleashing Suburban Shared Micromobility (Provincie Zuid-Holland)
Xinran Meng: A methodology to develop a demand-oriented train service plan by analyzing the railway passenger demand pattern (NS)
Siew Chee Wong: Railway Organization’s Resilience (TU Delft)

Eveline Gielisse: Mode choice: Understanding the influence of attitude towards mode use and travel time differences (NS)
Hidde van der Linden: Driving factors behind station-based car sharing use in the Netherlands (Goudappel)
Shiyu Qin: The Multimodal Electric bus (TU Delft)
Eleanor Thelen: Maintenance of digital ERTMS systems (NS)
Hugo Odijk: Creating a tool to help with implementing a high quality bus system in the Netherlands (Witteveen en Bos)

Thijs Bon: Mobility options, economic status and accessibility’s influence on trip-making (PBL)
Quanyi Wang: Impacts of Regional Shared Mobility Hubs on Equity in Job Accessibility (Een nieuwe kijk)



  • Monica van Luven: Smartcard data patterns (Goudappel)
  • Stavros Xanthopoulos: BRT Haarlem-Utrecht (CROW)
  • Regino Blankenzee: Automated depot track allocation (GVB)

Simone Geurts: Designing an integrated bicycle and transit network (BAM): THESIS
Robin Knijn: Employer perspective of MaaS (Goudappel Coffeng): THESIS
Sophie Brooijmans: Potential of Mobipunten and MaaS (Advier)
Lisa Volberda: How to cover for distribution of citizens’ views within the Participatory Value Evaluation? (Goudappel Coffeng): THESIS
Annemiek van Marsbergen: Ridership and combined PT usage of HTM shared bicycles (HTM): THESIS

Ziyulong Wang: Ridership prediction by travel journey data (9292) THESIS
Jaap van Loon: High speed connections and wider impacts on urban regions (Gemeente Den Haag)
Daimen Ramsing: Stopping patterns of train services; an integral approach in network design(NS): THESIS
Jerry Schuiling (RHDHV): Integrating air and transit ticketing (RHDHV) THESIS

Mathijs Stratermans (RET): Autonomous metro operations (RET)
Gijs Alberts: Explorative research into the effects and policy implications of the introduction of light electric vehicles in the Dutch traffic system (AT Osborne)
Georgia Liouta: Shared Mobility to Compensate for Public Transport Demand with alleviated Exposure Risk (TUD)
Ben Drybrough: Accessibility variation over groups and space (VRA)
Niels vd Heide: Modelling multimodal trips (TUD)
Vishwaksena Vennapusa: Influence of Built Environment Characteristics and Proximity at Destination on Mode Choice (TUD)

Irene Overkleeft: Assessing policy efficiency to reduce peak demand in trains (TUD): THESIS
Asma Ouchan: A feasibility study on a multimodal water hub that facilitates the Seabubble and additional on-demand mobility services (Advier)
Jan Siblesz: Multimodal stations and passenger flows (TUD)
Simone Hoskam: Bicycle parking facilities at train stations (NS Stations)
Lara Witte: Passenger route choice on the Dutch railways, the forecast, travel planner, and realisation considered (NS)
Aline Macon: Enlarging station catchment areas; exploring passenger app data
Simon van Hees: Multi-operator smartcard data to analyse OD-changes after introduction of NZ line (Gemeente Amterdam)
Babette Limburg: Preferences and modal shift with regard to shared-bicycles and transit (Goudappel Coffeng)

George Weijs: Optimize ZE bus planning (Lynx)
Raunaq Saboo: Identifying stops with low levels of access (VRA)
Roberto Villena: Covid impacts on public transport worldwide (CROW)
Martijn van der Meulen: Ridership predictions Utrecht region (Goudapel Coffeng)
Suryawardhan Thakur : BRT assessment and improvements in Almere (Keolis)

Edgard Zuniga: Actual and perceived level of service before and after the introduction of the NorthSouthline (TU Delft)
Anne-Minke Bottema: Customer satisfaction and disturbances (RET): THESIS
Jasper de Lanoy: Estimating elasticities for predicting ridership in bus transportation based on a before-after study (EBS): THESIS
Toni Kuhlmann: Sustainable urban mobility practices (AMS)
Alexander Warmelink: Microscopic simulation to assess robustness of high frequency metro services (RET): THESIS

Felipe Coutinho: Transforming fixed transit lines into DRT, case MokumFlex (TU Delft) MSc thesis
Maarten Seerden: Value and satisfaction of crowding relief in transit (HTM); MSc thesis
Panagiotis Tzouras: Implications of mixed urban tram operations on the safety of vulnerable road users (TU Delft): THESIS
Eva Lehka: Predicting Short Term Train Delays in the Dutch Rail Network (NS): THESIS
Roland Claessens: Multimodal network design and modelling (Sweco): THESIS

Alessio Gaspardo: BRT vs. LRT (RHDHV): THESIS
Ellis van Gorp: Public Transport usage amongst elderly in The Netherlands (Goudappel Coffeng): THESIS
Yaroslav Kholodov: Assessing Impacts of Fare Change on Transit Accessibility and Equity Using Smartcard Data: Case of Stockholm (KTH/TU Delft): THESIS
Lucas Spierenburg: Distribution of accessibility impacts of North/South line (EPFL/TU Delft)
Ivar Janmaat: Autonomous buses (Goudappel Coffeng): THESIS

Benjamin Drybrough: The duration of engineering works and its effect on the everyday NS traveller (NS)
Raghu Tippabhatla: Ridership impacts of emerging modes(Province Utrecht)
Vishwaksena Vennapusa: Unlocking value of customer satisfaction data (CROW)
Panagiotis Spartalis: Impacts of North/South line on regional bus reliability (vervoerregio Amsterdam)

Sanne van der Mheen: The spatial impact of autonomous vehicles as access and egress mode on train stations (ProRail)
Koen Arendsen: Shared mobility for the first and last mile: exploring the willingness to share (NS); THESIS
Anne Reinders: Design of multimodal networks (RET): THESIS
Bas Stam: Access and egress facilities at railway stations (Witteveen en Bos); THESIS
Sven Boor: Impacts of dockless rental bikes (MoBike); THESIS
Eva Lehká: Multiple-depot bus operations planning in Zeeland (Connexxion)

Lotte Rijsman: Walking and bicycle catchment areas of tram stops in The Hague (HTM); THESIS
Juliette Krantz: Impacts of MaaS on health (Arup); THESIS
Gerald Hoekstra: Push Back The Boundaries: The potential of multimodal concessions to make the modal boundaries in public transport disappear (Arriva); THESIS
Rizqi Luthfiana Khairu Nisa: Mobility as a Service in Jakarta (TU Delft): THESIS

Aishah Mahyarni Imran: Combination of speed adjustment and holding control strategy for a regularity-based transit operation (Keolis); THESIS
Kristel Bronsvoort: Bikesharing schemes to optimize public transport (TU Delft): THESIS
Sander Willer: Tram-train potential scanner (MottMcDonald): THESIS
Alessio Gaspardo: Modelling and designing future public transport networks (Province of Utrecht)

Roy van Kuijk: Indications of the societal impact of Mobility as a Service (Connekt), REPORT
Lotte Rijsman: Kansen MaaS voor gemeente Arnhem (Arnhem)
Prawesh Brispat: Perception Based Decision-making for Public Transport Investments (MRDH)

Jop van Roosmalen: Forecasting bus ridership with trip planner usage data : a machine learning application (OV Bureau Groningen/Drenthe)
Max Wierkx: Impact Zero Emission bussen op dienstregeling en uitvoering (Goudappel Coffeng), REPORT
Charlotte Schornagel: Wayfinding information: A study about the relationship between the improvement of multimodal transfers and customer travel experience at large railway stations (Sweco)

Gerben Dorenbos: Verbeteren tramnetwerk Den Haag (HTM) CVS 2016 paper
Robert Möhring: Spatial impacts of automated vehicles (NS)
Anne Durand: Real time control from a passenger perspective (RET), TRR Paper
Dennis Roelofsen: Increasing the resilience of urban public transport from a passenger perspective (HTM)
Joeri van Mil: Station choice behaviour of cyclists (Ministerie van I en M), REPORT
Ellen van der Werff: Improving level of service by appling headway control (Arriva), REPORT
Jeroen Hoogvliet: Herontwerp OV Den Haag ZuidWest (HTM)
Tessa Leferink: Succes factors bike and rail (Witteveen en Bos))
Sanmay Shelat: Data analysis of cycling as an access mode to public transport (Goudappel Coffeng)
Joleen vd Toren: Design of security checks at railway stations from a passenger perspective (Royal Haskoning DHV)

Karin de Regt: Datafusie GSM en OV chipkaartdata (Goudappel Coffeng)
Dolores Brietzke: Modellering internationaal railverkeer (NS Internationaal); CVS 2015 Paper
Judith Brand: Integratie fiets en OV (Stadsregio Amsterdam)
Patrick van der Meijs: Afwegingskader Bus Rapid Transport (Movares); CVS 2015 Paper
Rachel Ivers: Impact transit signal priority on equity (Arup)
Maarten Oud: Inzicht in reizigersgedrag bij omleidingen (HTM en Goudappel Coffeng)
Rien van der Molen: Baten betere doorstroming tram (RET)

Arthur Scheltes: visualisatie GOVI data (Goudappel Coffeng)
Gert-Jaap Koppenol: Baten ombouw Hoekselijn (Gemeente Rotterdam)
Andele Swierstra: Onbetrouwbaar OV in verkeersmodellen (BRU)
Menno Yap: Robuustheid multimodale OV netwerken (Goudappel Coffeng)

Aaron Lee: Service reliability in a network context (HTM)
Jessica Aceves Flores: Service reliability modelling (Goudappel Coffeng)

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