Transport Thursday: Investing in cities

In recent years, state-of-the-art public transport, including light rail, has seen strong worldwide growth. Increasing numbers of different types are emerging, both on the drawing board and on the streets. What lessons can we learn from all of these ideas and projects? Rob van der Bijl, Bert Bukman and Niels van Oort conducted research into 47 light-rail projects in the Netherlands and elsewhere and wrote a book on this entitled, ‘Investeren in de stad. Lessen uit 47 light rail projecten ‘ (‘Investing in the city. Lessons from 47 light-rail projects’). On this special Transport Thursday, they will be sharing their most important lessons and experiences (from decision-making through to operation) in achieving successful state-of-the-art public transport, a key driver in our new smart cities.

Check our presetation: Transport Thursday Van Oort 2015

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